2022 Beekeeping Services
Nucleus Colonies for Sale (with Certificate of Health required by The Virginia Bee Law)
Locally Raised Queens for Sale (selected from our very best stock)
Structural Removal of Live Colonies & Post-Removal Building Restoration
Mentorship, Training, and Colony Management Services
2022 Heritage & Rare Poultry
We are proud members of The Livestock Conservancy, participants of the National Poultry Improvement Plan*, and Certified Pullorum Testers. Contact us for availability of hatching eggs, chicks, started poults/ducklings or adult birds.
Salmon Faverolles (Large Fowl)**
Birchen Marans (Blue/Black/Splash)
Brown Red & Lemon Blue Cochin Bantams**
Olive Eggers
Khaki Campbells**
Jumbo Coturnix
*Our flocks are regularly tested for Salmonella Pullorum & Avian Influenza.
**Indicates at-risk breed on The Livestock Conservancy Priority List

Meet Nate & Carrie Fox
We are the proud Owners/Operators of Riverfox Farm. Our focus is on Honeybee Conservation, Rare & Heritage Poultry Rearing, and Experimental Small-Scale Farming Practices. After years of hobby farming, we officially established Riverfox Farm LLC in February 2019 as a way to more fully embrace the values of Agrarian Lifestyle - maintaining family traditions in agriculture, practicing responsible stewardship of our land & resources, and nurturing human relationships while striving for self-sufficiency.
Nate is a Veteran of the United States Marine Corps, Purple Heart Recipient, and works creatively as a professional custom carpenter. Carrie's background is in Community Mental Health Counseling, Disability Services, and Interpreting/Transcribing Services for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing. Together we raise three daughters in rural Northern Virginia.
Contact Us
Riverfox Farm LLC
Berryville, VA
(433) 629 - 7841
(540) 303 - 4031
Follow our projects on the Riverfox Farm Facebook Page!